[apollo] .game file format conversion to .gff
Sabrina Legoueix
2016-12-05 16:08:05 UTC
Dear all,

I would like to convert a .game file to a .gff or tabular file.

Could you please tell me if such a script exists? If not, could you please provide me some advices on how to do so?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


Responsable Plateau Bioinformatique

Tél. : +33 (0) 5 61 28 57 92

TWB - Parc technologique du canal * Bâtiment NAPA CENTER B * 3, rue Ariane *
31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne

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Deepak Unni
2016-12-05 19:01:07 UTC
Hi Sabrina,

The GAME XML format used to be compatible with Desktop Apollo, and since
has not been used in favor of newer file formats.
We are checking to see if there are any existing scripts that can convert a
GAME XML format to GFF3.

Meanwhile, here is the schema description for GAME XML format:
Perhaps this can serve as a starting point for interpreting the schema of
your XML and converting it into a GFF3.


Post by Sabrina Legoueix
Dear all,
I would like to convert a .game file to a .gff or tabular file.
Could you please tell me if such a script exists? If not, could you
please provide me some advices on how to do so?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Responsable Plateau Bioinformatique
Tél. : +33 (0) 5 61 28 57 92 <+33%205%2061%2028%2057%2092>
TWB - Parc technologique du canal • Bâtiment NAPA CENTER B • 3, rue Ariane
31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne
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Research Analyst
S104A Animal Science Research Center,
University of Missouri, Columbia
Suzanna Lewis
2016-12-08 21:11:59 UTC
AFAIK no such scripts remain. Shouldn't be too difficult to put one
together though.
Post by Deepak Unni
Hi Sabrina,
The GAME XML format used to be compatible with Desktop Apollo, and since
has not been used in favor of newer file formats.
We are checking to see if there are any existing scripts that can convert
a GAME XML format to GFF3.
Perhaps this can serve as a starting point for interpreting the schema of
your XML and converting it into a GFF3.
On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 10:08 AM, Sabrina Legoueix <
Post by Sabrina Legoueix
Dear all,
I would like to convert a .game file to a .gff or tabular file.
Could you please tell me if such a script exists? If not, could you
please provide me some advices on how to do so?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Responsable Plateau Bioinformatique
Tél. : +33 (0) 5 61 28 57 92 <+33%205%2061%2028%2057%2092>
TWB - Parc technologique du canal • Bâtiment NAPA CENTER B • 3, rue
Ariane •
31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne
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Research Analyst
S104A Animal Science Research Center,
University of Missouri, Columbia
This list is for the Apollo Annotation Editing Tool. Info at
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Fields, Christopher J
2016-12-09 02:48:37 UTC
There is a BioPerl Bio::SeqIO parser:


Not sure how complete it is but might be worth a look.


Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 8, 2016, at 3:12 PM, Suzanna Lewis <***@lbl.gov<mailto:***@lbl.gov>> wrote:

AFAIK no such scripts remain. Shouldn't be too difficult to put one together though.

On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 12:01 PM, Deepak Unni <***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Sabrina,

The GAME XML format used to be compatible with Desktop Apollo, and since has not been used in favor of newer file formats.
We are checking to see if there are any existing scripts that can convert a GAME XML format to GFF3.

Meanwhile, here is the schema description for GAME XML format: http://chopsticks.lbl.gov/current/game.rng.txt<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__chopsticks.lbl.gov_current_game.rng.txt&d=DQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=tDGDphAO6NEimtzLSSmQFGvp83Nv4of3Q091GUeBRjE&m=2VF6Xm4pOSFHNbimB5qgxfDghS8FfPtlKlKjo6r9fHY&s=424Docxw_pwfuxXFuJTWQFehmCU0BvRFjzL_48wbDsM&e=>
Perhaps this can serve as a starting point for interpreting the schema of your XML and converting it into a GFF3.



On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 10:08 AM, Sabrina Legoueix <***@inra.fr<mailto:***@inra.fr>> wrote:

Dear all,

I would like to convert a .game file to a .gff or tabular file.

Could you please tell me if such a script exists? If not, could you please provide me some advices on how to do so?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


Responsable Plateau Bioinformatique

Tél. : +33 (0) 5 61 28 57 92<tel:+33%205%2061%2028%2057%2092>

TWB - Parc technologique du canal • Bâtiment NAPA CENTER B • 3, rue Ariane •
31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne

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Research Analyst
S104A Animal Science Research Center,
University of Missouri, Columbia

This list is for the Apollo Annotation Editing Tool. Info at http://genomearchitect.org/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__genomearchitect.org_&d=DQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=tDGDphAO6NEimtzLSSmQFGvp83Nv4of3Q091GUeBRjE&m=2VF6Xm4pOSFHNbimB5qgxfDghS8FfPtlKlKjo6r9fHY&s=6KiIXvtgK7JSfusHFnFdZa93pOReDQlYUmPq9Z0TAlo&e=>
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This list is for the Apollo Annotation Editing Tool. Info at http://genomearchitect.org/
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